Today, having a golden complexion is no longer a beauty standard. The proof ? The diaphanous skins are more and more in vogue. And we are increasingly reluctant to expose ourselves to preserve the maximum of cutaneous aging. But if we made a cross on the pretty tan that offered us in the summer, we do not give up for good looks. We present you with the right make-up options for girls who have light skin.

Clear skin ? We have the hand on the make-up

As the beauty of clear skin is (well!) Recognized, so much enjoy. So, instead of multiplying the layers, we take advantage of it to lighten the makeup routine. The options that match when you have light skin?

  • A fresh complexion like the dew , with a touch of pink blush on the cheeks, a lightly pink blush on the eyelids and a little gloss, we immediately give a fresh blow to our beauty. Perfect to look smart and in shape even if you are not frankly rested.
  • It is because we have a clear complexion that we forbade for a little sunburn ... way makeup! The right idea for sunning his face? Blend orange blossom and glossy complexion . Result? A radiant mine like after an afternoon spent in the sun.
  • We do not hesitate to wear colors of intense lipsticks , placed precisely on our lips for a mouth cannon. Violin, burgundy, red. In mats version, they are canon. If we choose this option we put on a nude complexion well worked and an eye makeup hyper light: a layer of mascara is enough!
  • The tendency to test? The orange eye shadow . Associated with the bronze one declines it for a smoky elegant and stylish. Then, a little mascara and possibly a kohl pencil and / or black eyeliner are added.

What evening makeup when you have light skin?

It is the dilemma: difficult to dose well your evening makeup between too light and too much. Our advice? Better, in any case, look not enough make-up than too primed! But in the evening, it is also the opportunity to test the make up that would not be allowed during the day. You can try the smoky bronze / orange or pink enhanced by a line of black eyeliner or the make up 100% purple. If we prefer to play safety, we put on a glamorous look thanks to a line of black eyeliner and a well -defined red mouth . Successful!

Find inspiration in our selection of the most beautiful make-up for clear skin spotted on Pinterest!