In make-up as in your art classes at school, there is a color circle and colors that complement each other. That of green is red, because, indeed, the red erases the green at the same time that it highlights it! Be careful, it's not about using eyeshadow or red pencils that would make you look sickly, it is rather to exploit the range of colors around the red: pink, purple, plum, colors copper ...

To brighten your look and give it intensity, you can opt for gray, but you can also go to more candid colors. Black for example, whatever the color of your eyes, will intensify your eyes. An exception to gray makeup: the gray smoky-eye ! Very chic, it is reserved for great occasions, such as the end of the year, where it can be combined with glitter for a glamorous effect.

Traps and tips for green eye makeup

We avoid at all costs the total green look, which is "on your tone". In contrast, the burgundy eyeliner will give intensity to green eyes. You can opt for a rosewood eyeliner, softer than burgundy. A simple plum mascara can possibly do the trick. You can associate it with a touch of plum blush faded at the root of the lashes for a slight smoky-eye effect.

If you are more daring, you can opt for the monochrome red look, like at Chanel.