How does starch become energy?
Glucose molecules in starch are broken in the first place by saliva. Then, the body continues the destruction of the starch further in the intestines. Under the action of different enzymes, the starch becomes maltose which finally turns into so-called complex carbohydrates. These will store in the liver and muscles, and serve as energy reserves when the body needs it. The nervous system can not do without these carbohydrates. Some are also essential for the manufacture of tissues such as cartilage.

Which foods contain starch?
Starch is very present in processed foods such as pasta and bread. It is found naturally and in large quantities in tuberculous vegetables such as potatoes. Finally, dried fruits, cereals and rice also contain them. In a balanced meal, carbohydrates must provide 50% of the energy value of the meal. So go for a piece of bread, it's good for your health!