Summer having come to the fore, we now have three thousand excuses not to get back to the trend sport that is ... the running. And when we do not know where to start, we can get help. There are different methods of coaching, One can also start alone with a progressive training plan. And gourmands, can now download the book Run & Cheese ... It combines a training plan over 4 weeks and light recipes cheese.

The Run & Cheese booklet: sports first

The Run & Cheese booklet offers a 4-week program to run for about 30 minutes , about 5 km of running. The challenge: take pleasure in running. Hence the interest of being accompanied at startup. And it is the coach Christophe Ruelle who gives his advice. To start you have to find in the schedule the time to do 2 to 3 runs per week.The very first time, we find in the exercise book warm up (count about 10 minutes), then a goal of the race (10 minutes ) to reach by dividing his race (we do 5x 2 minutes of race). One can also write in his notebook which becomes a real journal of running for beginner . Then there are stretching exercises. Sports side, the program is really complete and not painful.

Recipes to accompany the running

In the "Run & Cheese" book, there are also recipes. Simple and fast . For example, there are muffin recipes from the zucchini and county athlete or even light sushi at the Beaufort. Recipes that are more mouth watering. They are all signed by the Quitterie Pasquesoone culinary blogger . She imagined all the recipes of the program, namely dishes / snacking totally thought to be consumed after the workout . Most recipes of local cheeses such as Emmental, Camembert or Tomme de Savoie. Hence the name of this program "Run & Cheese" - it must also be said that it is an initiative of CNIEL, the organization that promotes dairy products.

Is not the cheese too much heat?

Yes, but it depends on the cheese. Fresh cheeses, richer in water, are much less caloric than counties or pie charts . What matters most is balance. And when you run, you can indulge in treats like cheese. Especially as the French women and cheese is a great love story ... Indeed, women represent 67% of cheese buyers ! And 89% of them eat at least once a week according to the CNIEL (which is the national center of the dairy economy). France is still the largest consumer and exporter of cheese in the world. Better yet, our gastronomic heritage holds more than 400 varieties of cheese. The CNIEL also recalls that milk is a recovery drink after a workout.

Run & Cheese notebook, available since July 1st, free of charge and download (until the end of December) on Cheese Up Your Life website.