Even if you do not feel the soul of an Olympic swimming champion (probably because of the glamorous bathing cap ...), water sports in the pool remain, by far, the best choice for toning up your swim. body smoothly, refine or relax.

From swimming to aquabike

Swimming is one of the essential wellness and health sports. It improves cardiovascular and respiratory capacities, tones the whole body through different swimming techniques (crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly) and strengthens the joints.

1 hour of swimming can burn 680 calories on average. It is therefore the ideal activity to lose weight.

Another option: practice the aqua gym (or water aerobics) that reconciles the best of both.

The benefits of water, combined with classes provided by a coach, allow you to build and refine your body completely and burn calories while having fun. Little more? Rousing music, modern choreography, group spirit that pushes us to go beyond our limits, go with our girlfriends, playful accessories (fries, dumbbells, palms, elastics ...).

But in recent years, the aquabike (or aquacycling) has invaded the pools and gyms.

Pedaling in the water, nothing better to enjoy the water massage on the thighs, refine and strengthen your legs under forget to eliminate cellulite! Due to a weekly practice, the results are visible! And for those who enjoy playing sports solo, this aquatic sport can be practiced in groups or individual cabin, for the most complex.

Aquarunning, aquazumba ... Hybrid aquatic activities

To go even further, we have the choice between a multitude of activities: aquajogging or aquarunning (courses that consist of walking and running on a reclining carpet), aquacombat (martial arts), aquazumba (fitness on Latin dance rhythms), aquaboxing or aquapunching (to let off steam in boxing), aquapalming, aquabody (more dynamic than water aerobics) or aquasculpt (with dumbbells).

And to combine several disciplines, we opt for aquafusion that combines aquabike, hydrotones (water dumbbells) and even trampoline.

What aquatic activities to practice outdoors?

Surfing, stand up paddling, diving, mermaiding ... Water sports to practice outdoors are many and offer many benefits: toning, cardio, relaxation.

If (unfortunately) we do not live near the sea, we take advantage of holiday periods to test them. Note that some pools adapt some of these activities indoors.

Aquatic sport: what benefits?

In fresh water, 80% of the body is worn. The movements are therefore easier to achieve in a pool. But the body undergoes the famous thrust of Archimedes, which forces it to redouble efforts to fight against the resistance of water (800 times higher than that of air!).

Water sports therefore allow exercise to be "pain free", without impact on the joints and run less risk of having aches.

In addition, the natural massage created by the movement of water has a draining effect, welcome in case of poor blood circulation or water retention. Finally, the effect of weightlessness of the body in the water can relax, eliminate tension and stress.

Another positive point, the contraindications to the practice of aquatic activities are non-existent. They can be practiced at any age, including during pregnancy, regardless of physical condition.