Spandex, sterile compresses, water-resistant dressings , physiological saline and single-dose disinfectants should form the basis of your first aid kit.

If you are taking a long-term treatment, do not forget to bring your prescriptions too, in case you lose your luggage or if your medications do not support the heat.

And in case of severe allergies (food or wasp stings for example), an adrenaline pen is also essential for the summer break does not turn into a nightmare.

  • Lavender essential oil

A true Swiss knife of aromatherapy, the essential oil of lavender officinale is essential to curb many sores. Thanks to its wealth of active ingredients, it is indeed antiseptic, painkiller and healing .

It is thus effective against cramps, strains and small cuts.

Apply one to two pure drops on the lesion three to five times a day. It also reduces headaches: three drops in massage on the neck and temples, twice a day.

And in case of sunburn, once the burn has cooled and washed with a cold infusion of chamomile, it avoids infection and accelerates healing: three drops added to a spoonful of sweet almond oil, applied as a compress on the wound.

  • A cream with calendula

Also known as marigold, this Mediterranean plant has more than one trick in its bag. Its orange flowers contain Faradiol esters with antiseptic, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties . And as it also promotes the regeneration of skin tissue, it is ideal for relieving skin irritated by sand, dust campsites and sea salt. In the form of cream, it also soothes the summer urticaria (solar lucite) .

  • Paracetamol

This analgesic is the must-have holiday emergency kits. It should not be abused (never more than 3 grams per day for an adult and 60 mg per kilogram per day for children), but it is very useful in cases of painful periods, aches or unresolved fever .

Especially useful in countries where hygiene is poor.

  • Ultra-ventilated green clay

It is the most appropriate natural solution to stop the turista (or travelers' diarrhea). Dilute a teaspoon of green clay in a glass of water in the evening, let it sit all night and drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

To rehydrate and alleviate the intestinal spasms often associated with colitis, swallow at least three cups of lemon balm tea during the day. But in case of fever or vomiting, or if the diarrhea persists more than 48 hours, consult a doctor.

What precautions if you travel abroad?

If you are going to Switzerland or a country in the European Union, have a European Health Insurance Card. To obtain it, you must apply for it at least two weeks in advance to your Social Security Fund or on the Internet ( You will be able to be exempted to advance certain medical expenses in case of glitches on the spot.

On the other hand, if your destination is farther away, you will have to untie the purse strings. Only urgent care can be reimbursed by Social Security on your return, provided you submit an invoice and this within the limits of French flat rates.