"Migraines result from inflammation and dilatation of the vessels of the meninges, which envelop the brain," says the French Federation of Neurology (FFN). Their origin is genetic, but the reasons that trigger seizures differ depending on the person and the time. By observing when they occur, we can more easily tame them.

Migraines are not just headaches . These intense headaches that affect only one side of the skull are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as a phobia to light, noises or odors. Understanding what lies behind you will help to manage and prevent them as much as possible.

If it appears at the beginning of the rules

Nearly 15% of women are migraine sufferers at the end of their menstrual cycle . These so-called catamenial migraines come from the fall in estrogen levels just before or at the very beginning of menstruation. This sudden hormonal variation induces a release of prostaglandins, inflammatory molecules released especially by the uterus to facilitate the evacuation of the rules.

But as prostaglandins circulate throughout the body, they also act on the arteries that irrigate the meninges and the brain. Result: these dilate and cause migraine. Crises affect both women who take the pill and those who do not take it. Talk to your gynecologist.

If she breaks out after a hard day's work

Fatigue and work stress are generators of migraines, especially when you are going through a trying time. The excessive noise in the workshops or in the offices in open space multiplies the risks in the predisposed persons.

Not to mention the accumulated heat that tends to dilate the vessels. The blood flow suddenly becomes very important in the skull, which generates pain and general discomfort.

If it speaks only on weekends

"The migraine of the weekend or holiday is a classic, especially among hyperactive people, says Dr. Michel Lanteri-Minet, neurologist at the University Hospital of Nice.The change in rhythm causes a decrease in the secretion of cortisol and adrenaline, the stress hormones, which results in many physical manifestations including a decrease in heart rate and headaches ". Result: instead of decompressing, the days of rest are ruined by migraine.

In addition, coffee consumption is often lower on weekends than during the week. But caffeine is a bulwark against migraine insofar as it promotes the constriction of blood vessels. In the absence of the usual high doses of caffeine, migraine can therefore be deployed without any problems. To avoid this withdrawal symptom, reduce your coffee consumption during the week.

If it comes with visual aura

Ophthalmic migraine is often referred to when the headache is preceded by visual symptoms: scintillating spots or bright spots in the visual field. These transient discomfort (about 10 to 60 minutes) are sometimes accompanied by tingling or numbness in the fingers.

But all migraines with aura are not ophthalmic migraines . These are characterized by a reduction in the blood flow that feeds the eye. They can be caused by a light stimulation (an excess of computer for example) but also by a hormonal imbalance or a psychological stress.

And if a food intolerance was involved?

Some cold cuts such as salami or bacon but also smoked salmon and white wine can trigger migraines because they contain sulphites that relax the blood vessels.

Well-ripened cheeses (camembert, brie, parmesan, old cantal, ...) can have the same effects because of their high content of tyramine, an amino acid that induces release of histamine and prostaglandins. "Glutamate, which is present in large quantities in Chinese cuisine, is also the cause of many migraines in genetically predisposed people," says Dr. Lanteri-Minet.

Lactose or gluten intolerance can also be a source of migraines . Poorly digested, these foods create a digestive inflammation that can spread throughout the body and ignite cerebral vessels.

To identify the foods you are sensitive to, keep a diary of your migraines by noting all your menus so you can establish correlations. If your seizures often occur after eating a category of suspicious foods, reduce their consumption to see if an improvement is occurring.

An American study of Cincinnati Children's Hospital also suggests that vitamin D and vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to migraines. Exposing one's arms and face ½ h per day in the sun and regularly putting oily fish, eggs and wheat germ on the plate are enough to erase the seizures.