Patathon 2016: the day of gleaning to give

The leader in french fries and other frozen potatoes McCain is organizing his first Patathon on October 9, 2016. Located right in the heart of Hauts-de-France farmland, Patathon is reviving an age-old practice of picking vegetables or forgotten fruits , or left in the fields after the harvests: this is called gleaning . Organized for the Food Banks , it helps mobilize the French to encourage them to become actors of change and fight against food waste .

Patathon 2016: this day's program against waste

The Patathon, a potato marathon , raises awareness among families and students about the fight against food waste. On the program: farm tours, cooking demonstrations , creative workshops and children's games ...

The goal of the remaining day is to collect the maximum potatoes that will then be offered to food banks for redistribution to those who need them. All participants then gather around a buffet at the farm, where they can participate in fun and educational workshops, on the theme of potatoes , solidarity and especially entertainment.

To register :

To participate in the free event and be informed at best, just register via the Patathon website before October 3. Attention, the number of people is limited to 200!