Violette before: blond tie and dye

How were you? Let's say, very dark blond roots and ultra-clear, almost white tips. The result of a very clear scan at the end of the course.

Did you like it? Yes, I like to have a little deep roots. But I wanted to change, it was spontaneous and unexpected. I'm not afraid to play with my image, it amuses me.

Violet, blond tie and dye yesterday, silver blond today

Violet today: silver blond almost gray

Your first impression? I doubted. I did not know what to think of this big change. I could not see my blue but gray eyes. And I found my complexion a bit pale .

And since ? I feel for the first time in my life on the side of the brunettes . And finally, this dark color, a little androgynous, less soft, less accessible, goes well with my temperament. But that changed a lot of things. This color, very cold, requires sophistication, under pain, otherwise, to turn witch. I have to force on the make-up, while I was not wearing makeup. And in my wardrobe, I go to colors more sober and more chic than usual: white, black, navy. I also have to work my hairstyle, which does not support the pretty much.

Your entourage ? Rather positive remarks. Although not everyone has noticed a difference.