Who is the BootCamp diet for? For all those who have a faulty motivation, those who want to lose weight quickly by adopting new eating habits and find a physical activity that fits easily into their daily lives.

The basics of the BootCamp regime:
This is a real plan of attack to a quasi-military rigor, all without risking his health. Everything happens via internet. We subscribe (1 euro per day special offer), and, every day, we discover by email or video, all tips slimming Valerie Orsoni and his good words to coach us.

We receive a plan of weekly menus, dietary advice for each part of the body, seasonal recipes, exercises ... Nothing is forgotten!

Gently, one becomes a follower of the " 25th hour ", a concept invented by the coach, which consists in optimizing his daily activities in sports activity: glutes sitting in the office, in the subway, abs, 30-minute walk ...

The most of the BootCamp diet: We can send by email our questions and concerns to our virtual coach and motivate themselves with the other "bootcampers" on the forums.

The least of the BootCamp diet: You can give up more easily than when a coach of flesh and blood comes to pull us out of bed for an early jog. Therefore, one must still work one's mind not to crack.

For more information: " The BootCamp " by Valérie Orsoni ( Patrick Robin editions ), 172 pages, 18 euros or www.lebootcamp.com/minceur and www.myprivatecoach.com (American site).