It is important to drink throughout the day, and even more when you want to shed a few pounds.

Which drinks to honor? Those that contain no calories, but are tasty enough not to be tempted by sodas.

Detox water, the health drink par excellence

Water is essential to the body. Natural, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters a day to maintain a good hydration.

Its advantages ? It contains absolutely no calories (but many minerals), drains fat and balances body temperature.

To make it tastier, we twist it by surfing the detox water trend. For that, nothing more simple: in a gourd or a pitcher, we add a few slices of fruits and vegetables (strawberry, pineapple, cucumber, lemon ...) to a flat or sparkling water, then we add some ice cubes.

Avoid flavored and sparkling waters that contain sugar, even in small quantities. Finally, it also monitors its salt content: the more salty the water, the more it promotes water retention.

Tea, a beverage with diuretic properties

Tea is one of the favorite drinks if you want to lose weight (provided, of course, not to add sugar, milk or cream).

Ideally, one drinks a large cup of tea three times a day, preferably before the meal to cut the hunger.

We prefer green tea, known for its diuretic properties and its caffeine content makes it an excellent fat-burning.

In summer, it is eaten fresh, garnished with a few slices of lemon or mint leaves.

Fruit and vegetable juices: slimming allies to consume in moderation

Fruit and vegetable juices are not necessarily the enemies of a food rebalancing, provided you do not choose any fruit or vegetable and consume them in moderation.

If you drink a glass of fruit juice, do not forget that it is the equivalent of one or more whole fruits.

Better to go for a squeezed fruit juice to a commercial fruit juice which has often been added sugars.

For vegetable juices, they are often less caloric than fruit juices and contain more dietary fiber, perfect for destocking fats. They are also very satisfying and limit the unwanted cravings for snacking.

Tomato and carrot juice are very popular for their sweet taste.

Another option to vary the pleasures: the smoothie (by focusing on the fruits and vegetables the poorest in calories).