Lovers of great cuisine love it. Périgord's black truffle is harvested from December to the end of February in Périgord and Chinonais (the white truffle of Piedmont is harvested in autumn, it is very expensive and very fragrant, even more so than the black truffle). This underground mushroom is found in truffle trees, under a tree with which it grows in symbiosis (oak, hazel). To dig it up, the truffle-grower is helped by a dog or a pig, with a very good sense of smell. The fresh truffle is then marketed in bulk or packaged under vacuum. Its average price: 1 € per gram. Not given, certainly. But in general, a truffle of 20 g is enough to give a touch "haute cuisine" to a dinner for 4.

1 - The truffle must be ripe

This is the quality criterion n ° 1. To check it, we look at the truffle: externally it is very black (when it has reddish glints, it is that it is not mature enough). We also observe the interior, the producer will have for this "canifé" each truffle, that is to say, made with a knife a small cut to remove a tiny thickness. His flesh is black and streaked with white veinlets ? She is ready. But all white inside, be careful, it is not ripe (and no it does not make a white truffle so far). And gray, she is hardly. Finally, when her flesh is of a uniform black without white veinlets, it is because she has taken a blow of gel.

2 - The truffle must be clean

Before selling it, the truffle cleaner cleans and brushes the truffle. Our advice: it is better to be wary of the traces of earth which can hide imperfections (blow of tooth of the dog which unearthed it for example, or a bug hole).

3 - The truffle must be firm

And solid under the fingers. She's soft? This is a sign that she has spent a lot of time in the fridge or is old (a truffle can be kept for a maximum of one week in the refrigerator).

4 - The truffle must be scented

Its aroma is subtle and captivating: the truffle feels the earth, the humus .

Thanks to Francois Houette, truffle farmer in Chinon, present at the Fête de la Truffe in Chinon, January 16, 2016 (truffle market, entertainment, tasting workshop initiated by chef Christophe Prouteau and all-truffle meal).