1- Select the ingredients

The basic recipe of the bowl cake:

- 3 tablespoons (30 ml) of animal or vegetable milk

- 4 tablespoons of cereals (30 gr), oat flakes or other

- 1 egg (beaten as an omelette)

- 1 teaspoon of baking powder

Whisk between each ingredient.

Just like the mug cake from which it is inspired, to vary the texture and the taste, one can decline the bowl cake with all sorts of cereals (preferably complete, in shops of natural or organic products). Oat flakes are anti-cholesterol, anti-kilos, source of fiber, but there are also buckwheat flakes (good-tasting buckwheat pancakes and gluten-free), rice, quinoa, or chestnut (tasty and full of slow sugars) ... And we can add to the mixture of honey, chocolate nuggets, coconut or ground almonds, diced fresh or dried fruit ...

2- Privilege the "milk" plants for the bowl cake

An alternative to cow's milk: vegetable "milks" can circumvent lactose intolerance and allergy to casein and often contain as much protein as animal milk . They come from cereals (rice, oats, spelled), legumes (soya) or oleaginous (almonds, coconut, hazelnuts). We have the choice: soy milk, with a neutral taste, is rich in protein, rice milk, full of vitamins is digestible and gluten-free, almond milk, fragrant and unctuous, is packed with magnesium and calcium ( with little sugar). As for hazelnut milk, tasty, naturally sweet, it is appreciated by children.

3- The format of the bowl, it matters

Station the bowl too small because the recipe containing yeast, the cake will swell and there is a risk of overflow in the oven. The right size for breakfast is a very deep bowl 13 cm in diameter . For a big gourmet snacks, you can opt for the 17 cm diameter bowl.

4- Dump the microwave

To turn this muesli into a cake, let's go slow on cooking. The average time is 2 minutes up to 3-4 minutes max. We avoid overcooking because the bowl cake would become dry. It also depends on the desired texture, if you like it drooling and mellow, or as a real cake to spill on a plate. Initially, we program 2 minutes, then we eventually extend in 30-second increments.

5- Vary the accompaniments

To flavor and decorate the bowl cake demoulded , long live the fantasy, depending on the season, our desires or what we have in the closet. In the winter, it is sprinkled with dried fruit chips, goji berries, cranberries, cocoa powder, honey, maple syrup, chestnut cream, strips of banana, kiwi, or mango for a fondant cake heart after cooking. In the summer, place with fruit market, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, slices of melon, peach or fresh fruit coulis ...

To find delicious recipes : "Bowl Cakes, 30 gourmet recipes" by Audrey Le Goff (Hachette Pratique), 7,99 €.

Opposite: picture of bowl cake found on the Instagram account of nmsl29.