When it comes to oppose the perfidious Albion, the pretexts are numerous: gastronomy, humor, rugby ... But for the care and the well-being , nothing to say. Delicate, English beauty is an art of living.

English Flower Passion

Passion of gardening obliges, the English glorify the flowers better than nobody. Muguet , lavender , pink, violet , perfumes soliflores are part of their olfactory scenery privileged. Women love flowers generous, romantic, and men love discreet and distinguished wakes. "Perfume is often a family inheritance to which we remain faithful," says David Napier , head of the chic Penhaligon's boutique in Paris.

The art of caring for oneself in English

As for the passion of the British people for the care of self , it is a history of culture and way of life. "Our days are full and we have little holiday. Then, after work, we go to the pub or take care of ourselves. "For men, shaving old fashioned with cream, bowl, badger, careful beard ... Another ritual and true passion: the bath . Oils , candles , salts , collection of small perfumed soaps. Finally, the ultimate in glamorous kitsch, the English women primp themselves with fragrant talc . A very old fashioned gesture, but deeply rooted in their culture. "It makes it possible to perfume lightly while fixing the eau de toilette." The extreme refinement, in short!

Our favorite English cosmetics

  • Chic cottage . Exquisite, this rose bath oil makes a velvet skin. We love its luxurious glass case, very deco, and we dream of a small cozy pied-a-terre in the south of London, with an old-fashioned tub! Red Roses Bath Oil, Jo Malone , 75 € (tel: 01 40 06 36 56).
  • English garden . Sprinkle her body with a fragrant veil , a romantic and seductive gesture that recalls the bucolic atmosphere of Jane Austen's novels. Irresistible. Summer Hill Body Powder, Crabtree & Evelyn , 11 € (tel: 01 40 98 02 02).
  • Royale . Made in the pure British tradition, this solid silver brush could have been created for Queen Elizabeth II herself. Hairbrush, Penhaligon's , 215 €. 209, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris 1er (tel .: 01 49 26 91 66).
  • Commonwealth . The last creation of the very serious Creed home, tailor and perfumer since 1760, is amazing. Lime, island wood, coconut, this one-way trip to the Virgin Islands is a very addictive delight! Virgin Island Water, Millesimes Creed , 90 €.