What is biokinergie?

Created by physiotherapist Michel Lidoreau in 1983, biokinergie is a gentle massage method, using the knowledge of physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture, which releases the body from its tensions and blockages.

A technique from the "other school", which deals with muscle mass, bones, and energetic fluxes of the body, without the practice of sudden manipulations or needles, but only by massaging the body tissues by slight pressure.

Although recognized by some practitioners, this gentle method does cast doubt on a part of the scientific community, which considers it too passive to be effective. However, if some people denigrate the method, others defend it and strongly advise it after having tested it. So efficiency or inefficiency, that is the question ... But before you can talk about it, you have to test it first!

Why you have to test biokinergy

Whoever tries nothing has nothing, if you do not try the experiment, you will not know if it is effective on you. A little motivation and get started! This gentle method will not hurt you. On the contrary, you will come out of the relaxed session, and thanks to these massages, you will feel liberated.

Why? Because biokinergie is listening to the body. When a blockage is done, it leads others, which ultimately let go of our body ...
The strong point of biokinergy is its return to the source of the problem, unlike physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture that directly treat the painful place.

The mission of the biokinergist is to find the primary problem, and to evict, one by one, the blockages that cause the pain.
Of course, it takes more than one session (usually 3 to 4), so that the specialist can "untie", so do not panic if the results do not appear right away!

The action areas of biokinergy

On the whole body: muscular, articular, psychic, or energetic. Biokinergic acts as well against migraines, painful periods, lumbago as on sprains or tendonitis.

Conduct of a biokinergie session

For an hour, the biokinergist massages you into circular motion, the strategic energy points of the body, called tissue wraps, so as to relax the tissues and allow the body energy that was blocked to resume its course. Once released, these energy points naturally replace the bones, vertebrae, and organs and the body can rebalance its exchanges.

Price: 45 to 80 euros depending on the region.

For more information: www.mk-biokinergie.com