Canned Tuna: 60 Million Consumers Climb the Niche

The magazine 60 Million Consumers lists the ingredients in 15 boxes of tuna marketed in supermarkets. And the results are overwhelming. Mercury, arsenic and cadmium among others ... the 15 canned tuna analyzed all contain traces of harmful metals for health. Among the worst students: Leclerc's mark Pêche Océan is at the bottom of the ranking with Saupiquet, Cora and Casino . Some of these tuna cans also contain traces of oocytes and heart fragments. And as proof that price and product quality are not always linked, Leader Price and Carrefour brands are the least contaminated. What about Petit Vessel , the French subsidiary of Thai Thai Union? His canned food is in the middle of the ranking.

Tuna, a species much too fished

In all, 90% of the marine species that we consume are today overexploited , too fished otherwise. And the one that poses the biggest problem for the NGO Greenpeace : tropical tuna , the same one found in the famous canned supermarket. In addition to halving this portion of the marine population, the technique used to fish these fish (FADs for "Fish Concentration Devices") pollutes the oceans and kills marine animals: 20% of these devices ( very large nets usually) are lost each year at sea.

Greenpeace on an expedition against the overfishing of tuna

Greenpeace launched on April 18, 2016, an expedition to the heart of the Indian Ocean (between Madagascar and Mayotte) to fight against overfishing of tuna. For 6 weeks , aboard his ship Esperanza , the international environmental protection NGO will investigate and learn about the fishing methods of large tuna groups. In his line of sight: Thai Union , leader of canned tuna and owner of the French subsidiary, Petit Navire . Greenpeace accuses the Thai group of contributing to the overexploitation of the oceans including excessive harvest of juvenile tuna and endangered animals such as sharks. To follow the progress of its expedition aboard the Esperanza , Greenpeace has set up a daily newsletter called Les Nouvelles du Large .