The promise ?

The principle of eyebrow extensions is the same as that of extensions of eyelashes ... The promise is also. The principle is to stick a silk hair on your existing hair. Eyebrows thicker, thicker, darker ? Everything is possible.
There are 4 sizes of eyelashes, from the shortest to the longest to go from the inside to the outside of the eyebrow. There are also 4 colors to "stick" closer to natural skin tone.
In case of a true capillary desert in this place, the hair is glued to the skin. That the sensitive ones are reassured: the glue is hypo-allergenic, transparent and painless.

How does an eyebrow extension pose?

The maneuver is meticulous and technical, almost artistic. The pose lasts a little over an hour. During this time, the expert Bachelor extensions raises about sixty eyelashes eyebrow.
The number depends on the initial state of the eyebrows. Obviously, the finer and sparse the eyebrow, the more the number of extensions will be glued.
For information, it is possible to do a pose of extensions of eyebrows in addition to a dermo-pigmentation.

At the end of the appointment, we are warned that this temporary implantation is fragile. The lifespan of eyebrow extensions is only a few days, 10 to 15 days max. And on condition of paying attention to it as the apple of his eyes!

Extension of eyebrows, verdict

The rendering is rather very natural and the effect "hairs" is well to go. Unable to know that these are eyebrow extensions .
One is obviously delighted, the look enlightened and supported by a new line of eyebrows "in the hair", all beautiful, all new.
But the evening comes if you do not pay close attention to the time of make-up removal, it is catastrophe. A cotton strike on the critical area - and hop a few twenty extensions of eyebrows are the trunk of a blow.
Morality: one learns to be super cautious.

2nd flat, more difficult to hold for some: avoid movements too abrupt during his sleep. Otherwise, when waking up, eyebrow extensions will be decimated again.

Our advice: prefer this ephemeral eyebrow pose for a wedding occasion, a party, a photo shoot but no more.
Our opinion on the extension of eyebrows: to 80 € about the session (or 50 € retouching), we regret that it does not last a little longer.

Where do you get eyebrow extensions?

See My Cils, 20 rue Boissière 75116 Paris, 01 45 53 03 90
Au Boudoir of the Regard:
At The Atelier du Sourcil: