Every morning ... a detox peel with grapefruit

The World's Healthiest Foods ranks this fruit of the sun among the top 140 foods for health. Its high content of vitamin C (37 mg) accelerates detoxification of the body. Its fibers facilitate transit and digestion . With its glycemic index of 30 (of 45 for a juice), it limits the sugar intake. The right dose to enjoy 100% of all its benefits? Half a grapefruit at each breakfast.

In the bath, grapefruit against water retention

With the essential oil of grapefruit, one fight against the retention of water . A few drops of essential oils of grapefruit are diluted in the bath. Then it relaxes for 20 min and a few palpate roll under water. Final touch: a jet of cold water from the ankles to the hips. Double toning effect guaranteed!

Every evening ... Grapefruit to unload the curves

Slimming while hydrating is easy. It is boosted its body milk every day by adding 2 drops of essential oil of grapefruit, excellent to attenuate the capitons . It is applied according to a gesture "pretty legs": knead the calves by smoothing movements, then go up on the thighs rolling the skin between the fingers.

Grapefruit against hair loss

The essential oil of grapefruit does good to our hair. A few drops are used to combat the fall of the hair by mixing it with its shampoo.