What is father's job today?
Fathers and authority, is the past?
Even if he is far from his children, is it possible?
The father-daughter relationship: a subtle art, especially in adolescence
Simpler, the father-son relationship. Though...
Let those who think they are false reassure themselves

What is father's job today?

The father is the one who sets limits but also knows how to give affection. He educates , reprimands , while tolerating, protecting and propelling in life. How do fathers work? Think of their children, accompany them , share games, give rules of conduct . To get involved in his paternity, you obviously want to. Where does this desire come from? From his own father whom we want to be inspired? Or, on the contrary, that one does not want to imitate so much was distant? Nowadays, fathers spend less time with their children, they have become aware of their educational importance.

Fathers and authority, is the past?

Are they still capable of authority?
For centuries, being a good father consisted (besides earning enough to support his family) to give orders and prohibitions , if necessary by tapping on the table. Since the 1980s, dads and new fathers have begun to assume functions considered maternal - consoling, cuddling, bathing, reading stories. Men have engulfed themselves in the relational pleasure with their children under the tender gaze of mothers! As a result, they have somewhat dropped on the severity, which can be criticized now.

And the recipe for Dad to be authoritative?
The best way for him to impose himself and serve as a rule with his children is still presence. This is probably the biggest problem at the moment. Many men leave early, return late and see their children only on weekends. Moreover, many of them are afraid of not staying a father for life because many children of divorce are brought up far from them. Not easy to keep its place and build a relationship one weekend out of two. Hence the success of shared custody with young divorced fathers.

Even if he is far from his children, is it possible?

Marc, a separated father, felt guilty towards his children. "So, now, I make tons to give in quality, to plan real moments of exchange , around the kitchen, a trip, to make souvenirs. To show them that I am interested in them and that I love them. "If, during their brief rituals of going to bed , getting up, going to school in the morning, or at the weekend, the child feels that his dad takes infinite pleasure in being with him, this can compensate many absences. Finally, what is important is also what he represents for his child, his image and how the mother speaks about him.

The father-daughter relationship: a subtle art, especially in adolescence

The present fathers are much closer to their daughters , they look at them at last. Revolved the time when only the boys were intellectually stimulated, pushed to study. The girls gained confidence in them. For a father, raising a girl is probably more complicated, more effort needs to be made to share her interests . Thus in adolescence , a delicate stage: he must be proud of his femininity without too much to do with her, to look at her with modesty. Besides, the closer he is to her, the more he has the gift of annoying her and the more she departs from it! A father has a decisive influence on the woman who will become his daughter. It is the loving look that he lays on her that makes her a woman ... on condition that he knows how to fade when the time comes.

Simpler, the father-son relationship. Though...

With their sons, fathers are no longer in denial of their affects, as in the past. They dare to take them in their arms, to cuddle them, the relationship is enriched. What is still sometimes complicated between them comes from the modesty and the words, often more difficult to find to express the feelings. Thus a girl will more easily reproach her mother than a son to her father. With a boy who is more likely to break the law, to drop out of school as a teenager, the responsibility of the father and his authority (especially if he does not live with the child) are indispensable. It is his role to channel this overflowing energy, to be a reliable figure, to show a world that makes sense.

Let those who think they are false reassure themselves

The best of fathers is far from infallible and so much the better. Thus, his son, growing up, will not have to confront a being incomparable and anguish by his crushing perfection. As for her daughter, by demystifying her, she will avoid being too attached to it and will be able to flourish in her affective life and to love another man. The imperfections of parents are the engine of the generations. This is what gives our children the desire to take up the adventure on their own account and not to repeat the same blunders with theirs!