If one in three French people is lacking sleep *, with the arrival of winter and the days that are shortening, it would concern even more people. Indeed, during the winter, we sometimes have the impression to live only at night. Like a real marmot, it gives us an irresistible desire to hibernate. Often tired, we would like to stay in bed in the morning (or all day). So to stay in shape despite everything and give up the call of the quilt, here are 5 tips to sleep well when it is early night.

  • Light, your best ally

First of all, know that your body needs more sleep in winter. In question ? The decrease of the brightness of our environment. To cope with these shorter days, there is a solution: light therapy or phototherapy, which allows your body to recharge its batteries. For those who do not wish to try the experience, you can simply increase the light in your home and get out as much as possible when it's daylight. In the evening, conversely, lower the artificial light.

  • Watch the temperature of your home

When winter comes, it is tempting to put on his pajama pilou-pilou, to put a hot water bottle at the bottom of his bed and to turn on the heating thoroughly. This is not always necessary! To sleep well, the ideal temperature is around 18-20 ° C. No need to heat up anymore.

  • Air your room

To sleep well, it is advisable to ventilate your room a little before going to bed. The goal is to oxygenate the room well to regenerate the ambient air. Nevertheless, think about airing at the right hours, that is to say in the early morning, or in the evening, in order to avoid pollution by the external particles. You can also put a glass of water on your heaters to humidify the room.

  • Eat light

The squeegees at night, even in the winter, are rather to be avoided. It is recommended not to eat too much before going to bed. Favor hot and light dishes such as vegetables or soup. If you can take an herbal tea, avoid hot stimulating drinks such as tea or coffee.

  • Sleep at the same time every night

A council that is as old as the world, but has shown its effectiveness: going to bed every night at the same time allows our biological clock to adjust. An essential tip to not feel tired all winter long. If the ideal would be to lie down and get up at the same time as the sun, which may not be possible with your professional activity, go to bed as soon as possible.

* Survey of the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance (InSV)