Will the license reform lower its cost?

Will the license reform lower its cost?

The € 1 driving license is profitable?

Not really. Announced in January, the license reform aims to make the exam simpler, fairer, shorter and safer. The announced measures, including the hiring of new driver's license inspectors to reduce wait times, will be phased in over the next three years. On the other hand, it is unlikely that the price of the license will drop. The expenses of the driving schools (wages, material) can hardly be cut off. The only arrangement planned for the financing side is the setting up of a " public guarantee " to facilitate access to the driving license at € 1 a day . The goal is to reach 20,000 young people.

Is there any help to finance his driving license?

For precarious and low-income youth, no permit means no work. This is why a network of driving schools has developed since the beginning of the 90s and has made the permit a reintegration tool. They offer training against a symbolic contribution (from 50 to 100 €). But you have to go through a social prescribing agency that takes care of the difference: Federation of Road Associations for Education (tel: 01 48 36 94 08). Network of driving schools and information on https://federation-fare.fr

A system for young people aged 18-25, known as a " grant grant ", has been set up in Suresnes and Carcassonne, and should be developed. The principle: in exchange for 50 to 80% of the cost of the permit , the candidate agrees to work a certain number of hours for the benefit of the community.

Guided driving, well worth it?

Early learning of driving (AAC), a success rate at first pass of 70% , is the preferred solution. From the age of 16 to any age, after 20 hours of lessons, it allows you to continue learning with an adult of at least 28 years of age. And there is something new. By the end of the first half of 2009, the guide will simply have 5 years of experience . Big brothers and sisters will thus more easily take over from parents. A candidate can use it over a minimum of 3 months by traveling at least 1,000 km instead of 3,000 today. Info on www.securiteroutiere.gouv.fr . Note: this apprenticeship reduces by two the premium imposed by insurers to young drivers.

The self-learning. This solution is particularly suitable for those who have already failed. In theory, nothing forces you to learn driving in a driving school. The Code imposes only the constant surveillance by an adult who has been a license holder for 3 years and the use of a vehicle with a dual control system. Companies offer their rental to those who already have 20 hours of driving school training. Hourly rates: 13 to 22 €. www.permis-libre.com , www.permis-pas-cher.com

How to choose a driving school to pay less?

Compare the offers: content of packages and rates of hours exceeded. Make sure you specify the learning method (2 or 3 hours per week are recommended). Pay more attention to success rates than the price of packages and promotions (to consult the prefecture authorized service classified by registration number). Do not neglect word of mouth and find out if the driving school sets up a selection of candidates (thus boosting its statistics). His seniority too is a good sign of seriousness.

Know how to spot scams. And especially on the internet, sites with changing names offer to " order " European permits. These are obviously online scams. The loss of all the points of the license obliges to the ironing and the only legal parade, it is the courses of recovery of points (count 250 €, www.permisapoints.fr .) Www.stagespointspermis.com /)
Pass your license abroad, a good idea?

Floor prices at our neighbors range from 500 € (Belgium) to 900 € (Italy). The delays are often shorter and the examiners less stressful. In Morocco and Tunisia, the exam is considered even cheaper (from € 250) and easier. Good plan ? On condition of mastering the language and having an accommodation. Permits issued in European Union (EU) countries are valid but, in the event of a violation involving the withdrawal of points, they must be exchanged for a French permit.

Permits issued in countries outside the EU are recognized only if they are bound by a reciprocal agreement with France (list available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - www.mfe.org / thematic, administrative procedures). It is necessary, moreover, to justify a stay of 6 months in the country where one passes it. Then, we have a period of 1 year to convert his license into a French license. But, warns Jean-Baptiste Le Dall, a lawyer specializing in auto law ( www.droitautomobile.com ), the driver who has been the subject of a license withdrawal in France will not be able to retake the exam abroad because he could not, subsequently, exchange it for a French license.