Since the announcement of her marriage to Prince Harry (which will take place in London this Saturday, May 19), Meghan Markle attracts all eyes.

And how not to notice her sublime hair? Long and brown, like those of her future sister-in-law Kate Middleton , the hair of the one who will become Duchess of Sussex are always perfectly coiffed. But who is behind this wavy ultra mastered? Has she always worn the hairstyle that suits her so well? Back on the capillary evolution of a duchess in the making.

Curly hair with ultra smooth lengths

If the bride of the Duke of Sussex today displays a perfectly smooth hair, her hair is naturally curly . A hairy nature difficult to tame and inherited from his mother, of African-American origin. She is therefore a follower of Brazilian smoothing , a technique popular with other celebrities like Jennifer Lopez or Penelope Cruz.

Even though she sports most of the time beautiful wavy ripples or a wise bun, the actress has been seen several times wearing a bibi, beret and other capelin since arriving in the UK. Certainly a way to show everyone that she is ready to accept the codes that her new role now imposes on her and to "get into the ranks" as Kate Middleton did before her.

On the color side, Meghan Markle went through a short Auburn period, before returning to brown , its natural color.


Miguel Perez, the man behind Meghan Markle's hair

Since his move to London, his silky hair can count on the expert hands of hairdresser Miguel Perez, who officiates at the Sloane Salon in the Chelsea district of London. In an interview with The Sun, he explains he's busy with "his color, his haircut and his hairstyle," and says he and Meghan have "a plan" for his wedding hairstyle.

In writing, we bet on a bohemian bun! A hairstyle that looks like him, and above all would allow Meghan Markle to stand out from Kate Middleton, who was wearing a half-ponytail during his wedding with Prince William.