A job, a couple, the organization of children's activities: this gives a great deal of thought to several things at the same time.

In absolute terms, being multitasking is great. Attention, however, to the syndrome of Wonder Woman . One can easily give in to "false heroism" and then put oneself in a position to have to manage everything, to control everything, even to clench your teeth and to take on oneself, until you fall from exhaustion.

  • Learn to delegate

What if we tried to delegate? You learn to trust your spouse or a colleague of office, just to lighten your mind. And we let them take things in their own hands, without supervision and without wanting to control everything.

And during this time? We have fun. A good book, the last episode of our favorite series, a sport session ... In short, we offer an activity that we like and thanks to which our spirit can escape.

  • Release the pressure

Extreme perfectionism is another factor that wears the mind. Committing to the path of absolute perfection is indeed an endless story: we will always find a new detail to adjust. A fixation that flirts dangerously with obsession.

This trend is sometimes accompanied by chronic dissatisfaction. In order not to give in to this, we can start by imposing a delay: we will dedicate a certain time to a task, and once the time has elapsed, we stop looking for the little beast.

And why not list black and white our little moments of happiness of the day, and the small and big things that we accomplished?

  • To know how to let go

Deciding to take a break is not the most complicated. On the other hand, our mind is not always decided to cooperate: we would like to stop thinking, but we do not succeed.

Let's start by identifying this little inner voice that harasses us and ruins everything. For the mind, anxiety, stress or guilt are real hindrances to go around in circles.

To overcome them, one can indulge in meditation or sophrology, which can channel thoughts and relax physically and mentally.

  • Rest mentally

By the grace of technology, we are hyper connected permanently. And it's not always good for the mind.

Indeed, we may be tempted to stop as soon as our smartphone hisses us. Unfortunately, this habit seriously affects our ability to concentrate.

This incessant flow of information, often anxiety-provoking, is also mentally exhausting.

To disconnect the brain, we start by disconnecting literally. Or, at least, by disciplining yourself a little. We learn to set up ranges dedicated to the consultation of our messages, text messages and other notifications and we stop bouncing with each alert.

  • Put the mind to sleep

The mind also needs a good night's sleep . And yet, he is quite capable of preventing us from sleeping, even when we are really tired.

Ideas that jostle, concerns that resurface and the brain suddenly seems to run at full speed. In the evening, he needs to get in shape, before he can pause.

Some activities do tend to stimulate it. And getting on your computer or watching an action movie just before you sleep, it's not done to help the mind to disconnect.

The trick? Do not go directly to bed, but prefer a quieter time, reading a little, listening to soft music or practicing a small breathing exercise.