Why does the skin do not like winter and cold?

Winter, cold, wind and dry weather mask the skin of the face. From one day to the next the epidermis no longer supports anything. The quasi permanent discomfort is not necessarily apparent on the surface and often this reaction remains "hidden" inside. One feels that it does not go, but it is not seen on the skin of our face.

The climatic conditions are a real suffering for the skin: the wind abuses the lipids on its surface and when it is cold , the vessels tighten naturally. Hence a lack of oxygenation. Fragile, the epidermis then manufactures more and more free radicals, themselves responsible for the appearance of wrinkles. An inflammatory cascade to be stopped without waiting for negative temperatures.

Reflexes that save our skin in winter

Defusing oxidative stress , the precursor of skin aging, by choosing a face cream that meets three criteria: being rich in antioxidants, offering optimal hydration and calming sensations of warm-up.

Protect yourself from UV radiation with a sunscreen that protects your skin (even in winter) from sun damage, a factor that aggravates tightness and fine lines.

Adapt its power supply . Keys from the winter menu Anti-skin in distress: maximum antioxidant fruit (mango, apple, pear, kiwi and berries), fatty fish twice a week (salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines) and seasonings olive oil and rapeseed oil. Finally, more than ever, one drinks 1.5 liters of water a day.

Discover the care that relieves sensitive skin in the cold winter.