The strawberry to keep the line ... with pleasure

The arrival of spring marks the return of strawberries to our plates. Appreciated for their fresh taste , they are also appreciated for their nutritional values ! These natural antioxidants are full of vitamins (a strawberry contains more vitamins C than an orange) and very low in calories. Indeed we only find 36 calories per 100 grams, although appearing sweet in the mouth . This is largely due to the 90% of water that composes it. The strawberry is an ideal ally to maintain our line while having fun.

How to recognize strawberries?

The gariguette

It is the most famous of all, it is known and appreciated by 73% of French people! Its elongated shape and bright red vermilion color clearly distinguish it from others. Medium in size, its juicy and melting texture delight the taste buds with these acidulous aromas . To recognize it in a wink, trust your collar and peduncle raised.

The ciflorette

His scent of wild strawberry gives him a little wild side. Cultivated in the South of France, you will recognize it thanks to its elongated shape close to the oval and its color varying from orange to brick red . In terms of taste, it is very sweet and generous in flavor . Very juicy, pay attention to his flesh which is very fine.

The Charlotte

It is offered to you a big part of the year ! Enjoy this funny variety recognizable by its pretty heart shape . Like Ciflorette, its flesh is tender, juicy and sweet with a scent of wood. Of imposing caliber, its color is of a very bright red.

The sweeps

As their name suggests, they are extremely generous : they can weigh from 14 to 18 grams. Their sweet flavor is very pronounced. In contrast to these acolytes, his flesh is firm but still very juicy.

Choosing your strawberries: instructions for use

Step 1: Check the schedule. The first thing you need to do before buying strawberries is to check the production in progress according to the period you are in. The Gariguette is recommended from March to the end of June, the Ciflorette from March to July, the Charlotte from March to October and finally the Round from March to November. You will understand, in winter we avoid!

Step 2 : Pay a lot of attention to their outfit. No we are not talking about fashion here but about their dress , their skin, which must be shiny and uniform in color . Their collar and their green peduncle must be regular .

Step 3 : Pamper them. Take care of these adored fruits by keeping them in your crisper for up to two days in your refrigerator. The delay is short because they do not support packaging in a tray , one more reason to consume quickly! Do not forget to take them out 20 minutes before eating them.

Step 4: Offer them a bath. Prepare them by passers - by under a light trickle of fresh water, then plant them. This little toilet will not take away their flavor , it's promised!

Step 5: French if nothing! Prefer French productions , you will feel the difference once the strawberries in the mouth. You will thus enjoy their juicy and tasty virtues!