At the radius slimming products, not always easy to know which product to choose. Erase cellulite, reduce stretch marks, lose a few centimeters of waist, hips or thighs ... The needs vary according to ages and silhouettes.

Remove cellulite and cellulite

Between the ages of 20 and 40, cellulite on the buttocks and thighs, often accompanied by fluid retention and venous problems, is an everyday struggle. In question, a diet too sweet and too fat, lack of physical activity, but also hormonal changes (adolescence, pregnancy, contraceptives ...).

The solution : we target the loss of centimeters with a gel-cream or a serum superdosed in active ingredients (brown algae, caffeine, etc.) aimed at destocking and / or limiting the "archiving" of fats. Quickly absorbed, the formula will also have a draining action and activate micro-circulation with a surface tensor effect.

Refine and tone the silhouette

From the age of 40, hormonal and metabolic changes lead to a different distribution of body fat. The belly and the waist get worse, while the skin loses its tone.

The solution: the skin is tightened and the volumes are rebalanced thanks to massages based on remodeling and toning slimming treatments. Filled with firming agents - with a few anti-cellulite substances such as caffeine - these creams are primarily intended to restructure the tissues by promoting the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, while boosting circulation and increasing promoting the destocking of lipids.

Anti stretch marks

At the origin of this rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin, the hormonal upheavals (during puberty and pregnancies), but also the variations of weight.

Many cosmetic products prevent their appearance or even make them regress.

Refine and tone the silhouette