Go and brush yourself ... The body! Praised by the model Miranda Kerr and actress Gwyneth Paltrow, this ancestral practice indeed contains some benefits that have something to seduce us. His promises? An improvement in blood and lymphatic circulation, which promotes the elimination of waste on and under the skin. Detoxification assured!

Body brushing, how does it work?

To better understand the usefulness of body brushing, a small physiology course is required.

"The skin is the biggest eliminatory organ of the body since it evacuates about half a kilo of waste per day, explains Sabine Monnoyeur, naturopath * Effective, it helps" the emunctory organs that are the liver, the kidneys and the lungs when they struggle to eliminate toxins . The sweat glands will allow the elimination of acid waste in support of the kidney and lungs, while the sebaceous glands will allow the elimination of fatty waste in support of the liver. "In turn, the lymph" contributes to the evacuation toxins through the skin, "adds our expert.

This is where brushing the body dry makes sense, since it helps stimulate blood circulation, boost the immune system , but also and most importantly, the lymphatic system to drain and evacuate toxins, metabolic waste. Its exfoliating action allows its side to unclog pores and eliminate dead skin.

Which brush to choose?

"For the choice of the brush, the important thing is to find a balance between softness and firmness," advocates Sabine Monnoyeur. Also, our expert recommends to opt, as far as possible, for natural fiber bristles, with a preference for Tampico fibers. With or without a handle, it's up to us to choose the one that suits us best. Those with a handle have the main advantage of not forcing us to lower or allow us to reach hard to reach areas.

Namely: the loofah and the horsehair glove are equally effective and offer the same benefits, especially if they are coupled with black soap , detoxifying par excellence.

The right actions for effective dry body brushing

Two moments for two benefits are offered to us:

In the morning, a lymphatic brushing can give a "whiplash" to the dry skin before jumping in the shower; in the evening, a self-massage followed by a hot bath with essential oils offers a moment of relaxation and comfort conducive to a good night's sleep. Good news for all those who struggle to find time to pamper their skin: 5 minutes are enough!

"The goal is to bring the stagnant lymph back to the lymph nodes, so a certain amount of rigor is required because they are located in three specific places: the armpits, the groin and the upper torso. to reach these areas, "says the naturopath.

  • For the arms and legs: Brush in a straight line, from the bottom up, towards the armpits and groin.
  • For the belly and the back: to make round movements, more and more wide, and in the direction of the needles of a watch.

Other areas are also prone to stagnation of the lymph such as the inside of the hands or the bottom of the feet, so do not neglect them

Finally, do not forget to moisturize your skin after each brush with a cream or a body oil .

Why do we do it?

In addition to the drainage and evacuation of toxins, body scrubbing helps to revitalize the nervous system, but also to reduce muscle tension. Another important advantage for some: its mechanical exfoliation action disengages the tissues, helping to "erase" the "orange peel" appearance and eliminate cellulite . A key, a smooth and soft skin.

Be careful, this action is to be avoided in case of rashes, infections, wounds, cuts, varicose veins, sunburn , and cancers.

* www.sabinemonnoyeur-naturopathe.com