Sometimes the enemy comes from within ...

This is certainly what Marina Carrère D'Encausse thought when she discovered the post on the Syngof facebook page of the gynecologists' union, of the gynecologist Elisabeth Paganelli, who judged it unnecessary to stop work after a drug-induced abortion.

It proposes as an alternative to women to take a day off or RTT or to provide for "expulsion" on a holiday, and considers that a work stoppage is justified only in case of complications.

Words that shocked many Internet users but also Marina Carrère D'Encausse who did not fail to react in her Allô Docteurs show she hosts with Michel Cymes.

She explained that the pain, the bleeding and the psychological sequelae could justify a work stoppage, and pointed out the inconsistency of the general secretary of the National Union of Obstetric Gynecologists of France, going as far as
talk about "medical ignorance of drug induced abortion" of the latter.

A controversy that adds to that of the decree of June 5. A decree that expands the skills of midwives and allows them to perform IVGs through medication.