Couscous would be the favorite dish of the French. The Thomson brand is part of this simple observation to develop its Couscook . A novelty noticed on the Fair of Paris 2015 where she was named in the category "Small Appliances" alongside 35 other devices.

Couscook, the first electric couscous maker

In 2015, Thomson's innovation is in the household appliances department and has a rather nice name: the Couscook . Contraction of "couscous" and "cook" which means to cook in English, the Couscook is the first electric couscoussier to be born in France. The device is indeed an alternative to the traditional stainless steel couscous. It also wants to be easier to use and promises us some versatility . Blanquette of veal, tajine, stewed beef lamb or chicken, we can actually make a lot of different dishes with the Couscook, which is actually a multicooker rather than a couscoussier strictly speaking.

How does the Couscook work?

So, revolutionary Couscook? If, marketing argument requires, this is how we are presented, it must be admitted that its use is ultra simple. Which is already a revolution in itself. The Thomson Couskook has only two buttons: the first is used to adjust the temperature and the second serves as a timer . Once plugged in, just wait for the beep that indicates our dish is ready.

Thomson Couscook: our opinion

Most :
- We loved its ease of use.
- It comes with a small recipe book, well seen!
- The handles are wide and silicone: no risk of burning themselves.
- It can be installed directly on the table, which facilitates the service.
- The bowl in which the food is simmering is removable and passes safely in the dishwasher.

The lessers :
- The big negative point of the Couscook is its big size. He is imposing and bulky. Better to have room to store it before investing.
- His price. 149 € it is still not given for this kind of device ...
- The recipes of the booklet are not always very clear, too bad.