The arrival of fine weather is synonymous with change of wardrobe for most of us. MyPersonalCloset, a personal shopper service , took the opportunity to conduct a survey of its 4,000 customers to find out their dress style. The goal: to know what our look reveals of our personality .

MyPersonalCloset reveals our personality

Show me what you're wearing, I'll tell you who you are. It did not take more to the service of personal shopper online, MyPersonalCloset , to better identify its customers. The site interviewed its customers on their dress style and 4 different styles distinguished themselves:
- elegant feminine (40% of MyPersonalCloset users),
- discreet (30%),
- Conventional conventional (20%)
- creative (10% of users).

Les Françaises fan of the basics

The study also reveals that we French are adepts of the basics in clothing. Indeed, the traditional jeans and the classic little black dress remain our key pieces. The jeans is indeed acclaimed by the users in more than 90% of the cases. The same goes for the little black dress, which accounts for 17% of purchases made in 2015 on MyPersonalCloset.

The favorite combo of the French : jeans, shirt, derbies and oversize coat for a casual and androgynous style . We like the basics, it's a fact, but also the unpublished pieces of young designers that allow us to differentiate ourselves and bring a new touch to our style. The proof: 24% of the designer's pieces are bought by the users of the service, which is twice as much as the basic pieces.

Who is Mypersonalcloset?

MyPersonalCloset is a personal shopper service launched in October 2014 by Sébastien Mante and Clémence Gaillard . The idea is simple: after a telephone interview with a stylist to know our tastes and requests, a suitcase is sent to us, filled with clothes. It is enough to try them at home in a quiet, to keep those that we like and to send back those that do not suit us.