A study has revealed people's like or dislike for Marmite is in their DNA.

Whether people love or hate the yeast based spread is reportedly down to their parents, according to a new study by DNAFit - one of the UK's top genetic research centres - who have discovered your genes determine whether or not you enjoy the opinion-dividing snack.

DNAFit asked 260 adults to taste a 2g serving of Marmite before filling out a questionnaire noting their reaction to it, and after analysing the DNA of each participant, researchers discovered the make up of 15 particular single-nucleotide polymorphisms in their genes were linked to taste preference.

Principal Investigator behind the project, Thomas Roos, says: ''Our research indicates that Marmite taste preference can in large parts be attributed to our genetic blueprint, which shows that each of us is born with a tendency to be either a 'lover' or 'hater'.''

But it isn't completely down to your genes, as people can also have their taste in food products altered by the environment around them.

Thomas added: ''Like anything in genetics, taste preference is dictated by both nature and nurture. Our environment can impact our taste preference as much as the genes we are born with.''