There is a tendency to zap it and it is nevertheless essential to play sports safely.

The warm-up, as the name suggests, consists of warming your body by increasing its temperature and heating your muscles to avoid cold injury (muscle or joint injury).

Once heated, the body would be more effective during the workout, the tendons and muscles being more elastic, and it would also recover much faster.

The time spent warming up, usually 10 to 15 minutes at the beginning of the session, also allows you to focus on the upcoming exercises and prepare for their difficulty.

To make your session sport in the rules of art, here are some exercises to add to your to-do list sport.

  • Jumping Jacks

Stand upright, arms at your sides and feet together. Jump by spreading your legs and clapping your hands, arms stretched over your head. To return to the starting position, make a jump again.

Repeat the exercise for about twenty seconds and pair it with other dynamic exercises.

  • Seal Jacks

In the beginning, your feet are joined, your arms along the body and you are standing. You will jump by spreading your arms to the side so that they are perpendicular to your trunk.

Repeat for twenty seconds then alternate with other exercises.

  • The knee-chest

Bringing your right knee to the left of your chest, accompanying the movement with your arms, you warm up your whole body. All while improving your heart condition. Alternate knees.

  • Buttocks

Standing, legs apart wide pelvis, you flex your leg backwards to try to touch your buttocks with your heels. Alternate the legs with a dynamic rhythm. Hold for at least 30 seconds then try again.

  • Dynamic stretching

To warm up effectively, you can do some stretching exercises by making them dynamic. For example, swing your arms back and forth, release, reel with arms outstretched. The rotation of the hips also helps to heat the joints effectively.

  • Rotations

This will probably remind you of your college years! When you start a warm-up session, especially in cold weather, you can do small movements of the wrists, shoulders, ankles.

  • Flexions-extensions

You know this exercise by heart, which very quickly raises the body temperature and your heart rate. Start standing, then bend your knees to touch the floor as you crouch. Finally, get up in a dynamic, smooth, traumatic way for the joints.

  • The stretch Samson

Stand up, weave your fingers and extend your hands, palms out, in front of you. Raise your arms, keeping them tight, over your head while pulling on your shoulders so as to reduce the gap between the lower part of your head and your arms. Make a crack before keeping this position. Your back and arms should be aligned. Then, push the pelvis slightly forward. Repeat this movement for about twenty seconds.

  • The bending of ripped off with a stick

Bring a broom handle, which you will hold at the ends, so you have a wider spread than your shoulder width. Raise the stick with arms outstretched over your head, then, perform squats.

  • The sit-up

Here is an exercise that makes abdominals work and fits perfectly in a warm-up. Initially, you are lying down, then you have to sit down only with the strength of the abdominals.

  • Recumbent lumbar extension

Lie on the floor - or on a floor mat - on your stomach. Your body must be perfectly sheathed. Stretch your arms over your head, as in a Superman position. Then, try to take off your arms and legs from the ground simultaneously.

  • The ideal warm-up before swimming

Before entering the water, rotate the shoulders forward for about 20 seconds and then backward. Then chained with ample rotations of the pelvis. To warm up the body, continue with a few strides on the spot, a few jumps, knee-chest, some pumps and abdominals.