• Latte art creative coffee

The latte art trend is such that some cafés have dedicated themselves to this art. For example, Café Latte Art located in Austria in Vienna, which feeds its instagram account of all its innovations in terms of latte art. This goes from the classics (the leaf and the bear) to the most sophisticated and studied: the swan, the tulip, the palm tree and even the car. An impressive and tantalizing Instagram account.

  • Latte coffee gourmet coffee

In addition to posting beautiful photos, this account instagram shows us how to make the latte arte. This is an Australian coffee that promotes its art through inspirational and greedy shots through warm and bewitching filters.

  • Coffee latte art color block

The latte art colorful coffee was born from the initiative of a barista who decided to launch a new challenge: after learning latte arte, colorful latte art, even more artistic, which energizes our cups. The result is a flashy arte latte that can even match our mug or associate with our mood. And above all, it's a very, very unobtrusive coffee ...

  • Coffee latte art hijacked

When coffee latte art comes out, it gives that: the drink as a working tool to paint on the tables. Through her Instagram account, Giulia Bernardelli - 27 years old Italian artist - creates drawings from coffee stains. An art that is not even ephemeral, because when it does not cover coffee tables, it is the tablecloths that pay the price. A kind of contemporary art related to art 2.0 rather interesting.

  • The coffee latte art tutorial

Do you dream of making small artistic works to add value to your cappuccino? Follow this account instagram full of ideas to become a real pro latte art. Through videos you will learn the basics and with a little practice, you should become a great barista!