If yoga allows you to relax, it also acts directly on the body. Based on deep breathing exercises and specific relaxation , yoga allows for example to refine targeted areas. For a slim waist, Emma Champion, yoga teacher and muse Yoga Searcher shows us six Asanas postures to redraw her figure and erase, in passing, her love handles.

A few recommendations before you begin: "Throughout the session, remember to contract your perineum and press your belly button against the spine, the goal being to protect the lower back and increase muscle benefits."

If initially, you will do only a few breaths, the regular practice will allow you to lengthen the time of maintenance in the various postures.

Ardha Chandrasana, the half moon posture

yoga half moon posture refine the waist

His name would mean "cut down the love handles". Perfect ! This posture lengthens and refines the waist, strengthens the abs , back and legs.

In practice : legs open to the width of the hips, stretch the arms over the head, catch the left wrist with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. Inhale, grow up to the sky. Exhale, lean to the right.

Stay 3 breaths on each side then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, the dog's posture upside down

yoga posture dog upside down affine waist

This posture is very effective to refine the legs , strengthen the shoulders and re-energize.

In practice: on all fours, feet open hip width, hands shoulder width, turn the toes on the floor. Bring the thighs closer to the belly, and while keeping this contact, push the glutes upwards. Feel your back straight and elongated.

Once the back is in place, stretch your legs without changing the placement of the back. Often, the knees remain more or less flexed. It's normal.

Release the neck and keep the shoulders open to the outside. Start by holding this posture for 5-6 breaths.

Virabhadrasana I, the warrior's posture I

yoga posture asana warrior 1 refine size

The three postures of the warrior that follow strengthen the legs, glutes and abdominals.

In practice: from the dog upside down, bring the left foot between both hands. The right leg is active and lying well backwards.

Place the left knee in the alignment of the left ankle, the fingertips on the ground and the back well elongated. Inhale, straighten the bust. The legs are solid, the hips parallel. Stand up as you grow to the sky. Hold the position 5-6 breaths.

Virabhadrasana II, the warrior II posture

yoga posture warrior 2 refine size

In practice: Starting from the previous posture, drop the right heel on the ground so that the feet are perpendicular to each other and the heels aligned.

Open the right hip and left knee to the back. Spread the arms, turn the palms of the hands to the ground to ensure a better anchorage to the ground and look towards the end of the left major.

Stay in position until you feel the energy pass through you.

Virabhadrasana III, the posture of the warrior III

yoga posture warrior 3 refine size

This posture also helps strengthen the back muscles.

In practice: From the Warrior I stance, flex your right leg and give a slight impetus to find balance on your left leg.

The bust and the back leg are parallel to the ground, the right toe points to the face, the arms are extended forward and the hips are active and aligned.

Hold 3-4 breaths then do the same exercise on the other side.

Paripurna Navasana, the posture of the boat

yoga posture boat affine size

This Asana posture helps strengthen the body in its entirety - or almost.

In practice: sit on your glutes, spread the weight well on each buttock. With your back extended, tip back slightly until you feel your feet coming off the ground.

Extend the arms and align them with your shoulders, bring your knees in contact with the tips of your fingers. Find balance and try to stretch your legs as you breathe. The top of your skull pushes the sky and the shoulder blades have to get closer to each other. Hold 3-4 breaths.