Packed with benefits, seasonal fruits and vegetables are consumed more and more often in the form of "healthy" juice.

At the thalassotherapy center in Carnac *, the art of healthy eating has long been integrated. As part of the Detox Bio course (launched in January 2017) chef Pierre-Yves Lorgeoux and Gilles Dreux, dietitian, have created a juice bar that allows you to enjoy at any time of the day a digest of vitamins and nutrients provided by Mother Nature.

Focus on local seasonal produce

Served as a detox drink, alone or mixed, the fruits of vegetables are chosen according to their virtues and desired effects: drain, detoxify, boost energy ... One slogan: favor seasonal products , without chemical treatments and if possible in short circuit to preserve the qualities of food to benefit the body to the maximum.

Zoom on seven of them, to include in our recipes.

  • artichoke

One of the best natural drainers and promoting the secretion of bile by the gall bladder.

  • Cauliflower, broccoli and green cabbage

These are "superfoods". It is recognized that cruciferous vegetables are the healthiest vegetables available. For the record, these vegetables contain chromium, ideal for lowering blood sugar.

  • The lawyer

It easily adapts to juice detox recipes: it is rich in good omega-9 fats, eliminates toxins and stimulates glutathione, an agent made by the body that fights toxins.

  • Watercress, pumpkin

They increase the production of red blood cells to boost the immune system .

  • The prune

It helps to eliminate waste more easily thanks to the tartaric acid that helps the intestine to contract.

  • Grapefruit

Thanks to the naringine, this citrus eliminates free radicals, prevents diabetes .

  • Black radish

This famous detoxifying flee stimulates the secretion and elimination of bile salts. Black radish is also a powerful natural drainer.
