What is a nutrient?
As fundamental components of our food, nutrients are defined by the various organic substances contained in them that our body assimilates to ensure its proper functioning. Food becomes nutrient by the action of the gastric juices of the stomach, which redistributes the different contributions to our organs, our cells and our metabolism. These identifiable chemical compounds, however, are difficult to establish accurately in each food. Indeed, they are constantly changing according to the way we consume food: the cooking or the mode of conservation modifies the very nature of nutrients, making them difficult to calculate.

Classification of different nutrients
The best known are the energy nutrients: lipids, carbohydrates and proteins allow the calculation of the calories of each food. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements or amino acids are called the regulating nutrients of the metabolism essential for the functioning of the body. The nutrients with mechanical function that serve the different muscle contractions of the body are the dietary fiber. Lastly, sensory function nutrients include the natural or chemical flavors, colorants and texturizing agents that play a role in palatability.