When the weather comes, wearing dresses and short-sleeved tops is often an obsession for many women over the age of 40, when the skin starts to relax. The phenomenon is even more important after heavy weight loss or pregnancy.
The skin of the arm that hangs? It is quite possible to fight against this phenomenon. As the sports coach Fabrice Bernardini explains: "with a diet and adapted exercises, it is possible to give a little tonicity to an area that naturally lacks it".

Punchy diet to avoid soft arm effect

A principle that may seem obvious (and prevails whatever the area where you want to lose weight) but is fundamental: start with a balanced diet. We avoid saturated fats that are lodged in the top of the fat and focus on foods that help slim down.

Losing the fat of the arms? Possible with targeted exercises

2nd step to shaping his arms and giving them some tonicity: the sport. The triceps, muscles under the arms, are mainly targeted to make the skin lose its flaccid appearance. "To strengthen the triceps, the exercise of dips is very effective. We sit back to a chair, palms on the seat. One bends the arms to move up and down the body.

If you also want to tackle your biceps, not necessarily dumbbells: a bottle of one liter in each hand, place your arms along the body and up the bottles to your shoulders.

The trick of the coach for pretty arms : to lose arms without effect "inflator", it is better to avoid too small series. According to coach Fabrice Bernardini: "Repetitions by 10 or 15 will increase muscle volume, which is not the desired effect. The ideal is therefore to make a series of 30, and to repeat them until the movement becomes too difficult to be executed. This is the best way to build muscle finesse! ".

Check out our video file of dedicated exercises to refine his arms.

Our push to refine his arms

To perfect the effects of sport and a balanced diet, use a cream or oil slimming option firmness. Its tensor actives make it possible to tone the tissues. It is applied starting from the elbow and performing a massage palpate-rolling for even more effects. For the good gestures, discover our slideshow.

Thanks to the sports coach Fabrice Bernardini for his advice.