Fishing is the universal color that flatters and illuminates all skin tones, from the lightest to the darkest, and is used throughout the face. It warms without weighing down the eyelid (contrary to brown), redraws the mouth without vulgarity and guarantees on the cheeks the Barbie effect of some roses.

Her youthful freshness has been widely acclaimed by fashionistas who have rediscovered her this season on the runways of Zac Posen, Oscar de la Renta and Gucci.

What shade fishing for my skin tone?

Blend of orange, red, rose and beige, the range extends from melon to brugnon through coral and tangerine without forgetting the salmon near the orangey pink.

How to choose ? The darker the skin, the more the tone selected will be sun-drenched. Coral is the best friend of a slightly dull mixed-race skin, and pale faces swear by sweet peach.

Hyper easy to wear, the fishing is married with all the spring looks, and significant advantage while just hit the Predictive Third is that a product can have several uses: a blush lipstick, a blush in eyeshadow etc ...

Pro makeup tips for a peach skin

Carole Colombani , Makeup Artist and Youtoubeuse seasoned reminds us of the fundamentals.

"The total look is perilous but more manageable than in pink. The brunettes can tempt him with more happiness than blondes who take the risk of looking like a brugnon. "

  • Complexion : "Except for olivaceous or dull skins that a slightly apricot-free loose powder will warm, I advise to use these tones in small touches to not seem to have fallen asleep in the tanning booth. This same powder will be used by the other epidermis in pre-layer of the blush to accentuate the brightness. If you opt for the No Makeup look, which is in high demand this season, put a bit of higlighter on the zygomatic to sculpt and enhance the cheekbones. "
  • The lips : "Matte, gloss, balm or satin. All textures are suitable. I have a slight preference for the mat that reminds the velvety of the fruit. What's more, pair a Laguna de Nars illuminator with a peach lipstick and do not forget to groom your eyebrows. Everyone will believe that you come back from vacation or that your karma is at the top. "
  • The eyes : "We take zero risk with these fruity colors. Unlike beige they do not generate boredom. And can be used alone or with a brown, khaki, gray or purple blush. They soften the dark irises and compensate for the coldness of blue or gray. A line of eyeliner or brown pencil further deepens the look, black dramatize. "
  • The blush : "He finally makes his comeback on all the catwalks and should dethrone the contouring . Salmon he raises the complexion more beautifully and elegantly than the pink doll. Past 25 years old who wants to look like Fifi steel strands? Choose the light and transparent, preferably matte. It will melt on the skin, give it a velvety finish, super fresh and plump. As for what I think about an iridescent blush, remember the old adage: What happened in the 80's remains in the 80's. "