More than the foods themselves, it is their method of preparation and cooking that hurt our line. However, there are many foods that are less calorific than others that are best served at lunch time . And even more in the summer, in the small beach restaurants. Follow the guide for a more light plate!

Tomato salad, the diet dish of beach restaurants

Vegetables and raw vegetables are low calorie foods. Everything depends on how they are prepared. To optimize their light side, we choose in our beach restaurants, a salad of tomatoes . Important: we ask the vinaigrette apart where we season the dish itself with a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.

Grilled fish: king of the least caloric foods of beach restaurants

Rather than a steak frites as a main course, we opt for a lower calorie dish that all the beach restaurants (or almost!) Offer. To know: fish grilled on a griddle or barbecue. Cooked without adding fat, and raised with a dash of olive oil and lemon is the right choice for a light meal. Especially since the beach is the place to be for eating fresh fish . Ideally, accompany with vegetables steamed. A fillet of white fish can also do the trick, provided it is served without sauce or with the sauce separately. You can also be tempted by a plate of seafood ... but without mayonnaise!

Fresh fruit and fruit sorbet, the least calorie desserts on the beach

On the dessert side, we are focusing on fresh fruits such as pineapple , watermelon , melon or fruit salad. We can also ask them prepared in smoothies. In all cases we fill up with vitamins. Fruit sorbet, a sweet but light dessert, seems to be the perfect compromise for beach restaurants. It is preferred by far or near to all chocolate desserts .

Caloric foods to avoid in our beach restaurants

- Fried and breaded foods,
- steak frites and merguez
- dishes in sauce ,
- chocolate desserts and served with whipped cream,
- banana split .

Thanks to Larry Dibo-Cohen, nutritionist doctor.