If tap water is right for most of us, in some situations it is better to choose a more appropriate formula.

If I'm constipated ...

Constipation, even regular, is not inevitable and may be indicative of a health concern . It is therefore strongly advised to consult your doctor to determine the causes. Taking a drug, pregnancy, lifestyle change, stress etc ... the possibilities are many. To facilitate the evacuation, the stool must be well hydrated hence the importance of drinking enough (6 to 8 glasses per day, or at least 1.5L). We turn to waters rich in magnesium sulphates (used in laxatives so ideal for constipation). FYI, the only water recognized scientifically as really effective against constipation is Hepar.

If I do a lot of sport ...

On average, we lose 1 liter of sweat per hour of sport. So there are several golden rules to follow concerning the hydration of the athletes: first we hydrate BEFORE and AFTER the effort, secondly, we drink during the physical effort (ideally 250 ml every quarter of an hour) and finally, beyond one hour of physical effort, sugar and salt are added to our water (the sugar level varies according to the temperature, the hotter it is and the less sugar is added). Water to focus on? We can settle for tap water but a well mineralized water like Contrex or Courmayeur is better! Sparkling waters rich in sodium bicarbonate can also be a good alternative.

If I eat little dairy ...

The lack of calcium can be mitigated to a certain extent by calcium water (calcium-rich, logical!). A welcome boost that will not be enough to refuel. We favor Perrier, Salvetat, San Pellegrino or Badoit . Flat water side, we opt for Contrex, Hepar or Courmayeur.

If I go on a diet ...

When you reduce your food intake too much (which is strongly discouraged), we tend to develop magnesium and calcium deficiencies , for example. It is therefore necessary to drink more than 1.5 liters of water a day to avoid them, but also so that our body does not "clog". We therefore turn to calcium and magnesium-rich waters such as Contrex, Rozana, Quezac or St-Yorre.

To find out more: "The big book of food" by Dr. Laurence Plumey Editions Eyrolles, 23,90 €