Drinking watermelon juice before making an effort would reduce aches when you wake up the next day ... This is what Spanish researchers have proven, which have given watermelon juice to several sportsmen and a pink placebo juice. to others, before they go to work. The next day, the athletes having drunk watermelon juice had less muscle pain than the others. The reason ? The natural and massive presence of citrulline, a non-protein amino acid that our cells absorb, in watermelon. "Citrulline is a rare amino acid that has not been studied so far," says Encarna Aguayo, a researcher at the University of Cartagena, who demonstrates that it has antioxidant properties that were previously estimated. Citrulline will accelerate the elimination of lactic acid in the muscles and allow to recover more quickly after physical exertion. Watermelon is one of the few natural foods that abounds with citrulline, says the scientist.

Until researchers determine the necessary amount of citrulline that will totally eradicate aches, sports coaches recommend, to avoid the pain after sport, not to exceed its limits, good warm up before and of course stretch after exercise, eat properly and hydrate well. Finally, taking a bath, pouring cold water on his legs and then let them dry without rubbing them, would release the muscles. Watermelon, meanwhile, can bring you more than just soothe you after the sport: low in calories and rich in vitamins A, B6, and potassium, this fruit is full of virtues for your body!